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The main specialization of MMI is operational monitoring, analysis, forecasting and individual research of the metallurgy market and related industries in key regions of the world, including Russia and the CIS countries.

A great expertise

Information and Consulting Agency MMI is one of the leading market players in the field of information and consulting services for metallurgical and related industries in Russia, Kazakhstan, CIS countries and the world. Our specialists are a team of our own specialists with vast experience in analytical and research work, as well as world-class experts.

The unique methodology

In their work, MMI specialists successfully combine the classic and their own unique methodology for forecasting macroeconomic indicators, consuming industries, metallurgical markets and key raw material prices. MMI market indicators and quotes are widely used by participants and other interested organizations of the Russian and world markets.

The client comes first

We are maximally focused on the needs of the client and always offer the best and most suitable way to organize research projects for your tasks. We do not use standard solutions in consulting and carefully adapt our own methodology for a specific task, using only reliable and confirmed information in our work.

Own analysis and world practice

MMI has a deep understanding and experience in research and development for the benefit of the metals industry and related markets. The head office is historically located in Moscow, but our team includes experts in all key regions of the world and specialists from Metals Consulting International (MCI), with whom we conduct a joint international practice.

The awareness

In its work, MMI relies on its own forecasting experience using unique proprietary methods and analytical indicators, as well as carefully verified competitive intelligence data and the most relevant information that we receive from our experts and partners around the world while maintaining complete confidentiality guarantees for our customers and clients.


We are focused on building stable partnerships with our counterparties and work for the long term, constantly expanding the benefits of our service in the interests of companies and enterprises in the industry from among the regular users of MMI information products.